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Lizbeth's Site
Me Being Me

Alright this page is pretty much done.  If you didn't know that I like to have fun, well now you do.  This page is all about how I am when I'm having fun with my friends and family, and all other kinds of stupid stuff I've done.  Enjoy...and let me know if you got anything to add!

Random stuff I have said:
Is that the song we're doing the dance to?
They're brothers?
I have my tontacts in
Wait what am I supposed to do?
I have no idea where I am going
Wait Wait Wait...now what are we doing again?
I am totally lost
Does it snow in London?


Problems with machinery or mechanical appliances:
I burned waffles in the microwave.
I ran over our pond motor with the lawn mower.
I don't know how to use the DVD player.
I have no idea how to load film in a camera.
I didn't know how to open the hood of the car.
I didn't know how to pump gas, let alone open the thing.
The mac machine has now taken my card, given me my money, and not given me my card back 3 times.
Don't ask me how to fix something on a computer.
Don't ask me to cook anything by myself from scratch.

ok check these out

Yea that's a can of Sardines in my mouth
can of sardines
this is me making an fool out of myself, having fun as always
what are we doin?
Meg and Me
Yea this is me after the first sardine incident
just making even more of a fool out of myself

Questions I've asked:
Can you sneeze in your sleep?
Does China see the moon?
What's a tangent?
why is one side of your hand paler than the other?

What the am I doing?
yea haven fun

The truth on what I did and did NOT hit with a car:
I did hit a tree while backing up when I had my permit.
I did NOT hit an animal.
I did hit my neighbors fence post while pulling into our yard.
I did NOT hit a stop sign, however I did come very close.
I did hit the garbage cans out back several times.
I did NOT hit any people.
I did drive up on the curb and onto the sidewalk, by accident.
I did NOT hit any other cars.
I also drove down a one way street in the opposite direction.
I also got lost in Kutztown.
I also got lost coming home from the mall.

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